
Hassle Free Migration From Magento to Shopify

Reasons Why One Should Always Stay Away from Using an App to Help You with Magento to Shopify Migration


Apps carry out Automated migrations

Apps carry out automated migrations and these automated migrations do not include any customizations you may have had.


Both Platforms Uses Different Extensions

Extensions are not just the same on both platforms, hence they can’t work with just another tap as soon as you migrate from Magento to Shopify.


Apps Doesn't Allow the Migration of themes

Similarly, your theme can’t just be automatically migrated either since themes have to be designed specifically and especially for that particular platform.


Lose Of Data

Migration through an app increases the chances of data losses because these automated migrations don’t go through testing and a thorough Quality Assurance program.


Security Reasons

Migration through an app increases the chances of data losses because these automated migrations don’t go through testing and a thorough Quality Assurance program.

The Global Shopify Plus Partner

Data that can be moved during Magento to Shopify Migration


  • Name, SKU, Full Description, Images in Description, Status, Manufacturer.
  • Price, Special Price.
  • URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.
  • Weight.
  • Variants (SKU, Weight, Quantity, Images, Price, Special Price).
  • Base Image, Additional Images.
  • Quantity, Manage Stock.


  • Email, Customer Group, Newsletter.
  • Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).
  • Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).


  • Id, Order Date, Order Status, Order Products (Name, SKU), Product Price, Quantity, Sub Total Price, Discount Price, Tax Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments.
  • Customer Name, Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).
  • Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).

Poduct Categories

  • Name, Description, Status.
  • Image
  • URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.


  • Name


  • Name, Coupon Code, Type Discount, Discount Amount.


  • Created Date, Rate, User Name , Comment , Product, Title.


  • Yes


  • Title, URL, Meta Description, Status, Content Heading.

What Additional Services Do We Offer?

Clean Icon

Clear All Demo Data On Target Store Prior To Migration

Before actual migration, delete any current data on your target store like products, orders, images, customers, etc. Test your data after clearing all demo data.

Icon Jar

Preserve Previous Order IDs On The Target Store

You have the option of keeping the same customer and order IDs in your new target store after migration.

Icon 301

Generate 301 Redirects To Your Target Store

Enables you to automatically redirect all your previous source store category and product URLs to your new target store.

Icon Variant

Build Product Variants Based Upon Available Combinations Of Options

Allows you to create different product variants which will be configurable after migration has taken place.

Icon strip

Strip HTML Tags From Product & Category Names

Strip all HTML tags from every product, category, and description, so that they are properly displayed on your target store.

Icon Migrate

Migrate Feature Images From Products, Descriptions & Categories

Migrate all your images from your source store to your target store including product and category images as well as images in descriptions and blogs.

Icon Quantity

Modify Product Quantity On Your Target Store

Modify your product quantity that is currently out of stock to make it show as available in stock on your target store.

Icon Images

Migrate All Additional Images

Transfer all your additional images other than feature and thumbnail images to your target store.

Icon Description

Migrate All Descriptions

Transfer your short and complete descriptions to your target store into the same field.

Icon Sku

Migrate SKUs

Transfer your product SKUs to your target store.

Icon Shopify

Setup Your Shopify Store

Migrate from Magento to Shopify after building your new Shopify store from scratch.

Why Choose Folio3 for Magento to Shopify Migration

Icon Downtime

Zero Downtime​

Your current store will keep running like it always did on whichever platform it was. During the entire migration process, we ensure that you have zero downtime for your source store because we want to make sure you don’t lose out on any of your customers.

Technical Support

Technical Support

We are proud to offer technical support and services via ticket, live chat, phone, or email. All you have to do is have a quick word with someone in our support team to get your issue resolved as soon as possible.

Certified Experts

Certified Experts

We have dedicated certified teams working for each platform individually with the experience of having performed a huge number of successful migrations for over fifteen years.

Icon Secure

Secure Lossless Migration

Our team of experts claim the most secure, lossless, and error-free migrations, with the use of 128 bit SSL encryption, and HTTPS protocol, promising the security of all the data being migrated.

Providing Shopify Solutions to enterprises around the world

From Shopify design and development to Shopify migration and support, we have certified Shopify experts to cater to your business needs

Easilocks – Shopify

  • Shopify

  • Folio3 proposed a comprehensive solution to address Easilocks’ challenges. This solution encompassed the customization of Easilocks’ Shopify store, including features such as sign-up/approval processes, B2B catalog setup, and more.


  • Coldesi, Shopify

  • The Folio3 team built this click-on-demand app Clickwear by just getting the abstract idea of our client.
AirBag Man - Thumbnail

Airbag Man

  • App for tier pricing and managing customer discounts

  • Folio3 designed a tailored app for tier pricing, and managing customer discounts and groups.
Zinco - Thumbnail


  • Zinco's shift to Shopify 2.0

  • Zinco's shift to Shopify 2.0 aims for higher sales and performance with Dynamics 365 integration. Folio3 partnered with ZinCo to develop a new Shopify store with several key features.


  • GenoPalate leverages Shopify’s eCommerce platform

  • By leveraging Shopify’s e-commerce platform, GenoPalate has successfully scaled its business and made personalized nutrition accessible to a broader audience.

Rose Inc.

  • Shopify Promo Code and Custom Bundle Feature Development

  • Folio3 created "bundles" as product variants, offering different combinations of products in a single product listing for customers to choose from the desired variant.

Custom Solutions and Services for Magento to Shopify Migration

Our server and our solutions are a class apart and quite different from automated systems. Our custom Magento Shopify migration solutions are handcrafted and designed carefully and thoughtfully so that you can have a smooth transition without losing your current SEO ranking, and keeping your needs and your success in mind. Your success is our success.

Popular Questions About Magento to Shopify Migration

Migrating using apps can lead to several things going wrong. First of all, app migrations do not migrate any customizations, be it of theme or functionality, these automated migration apps can’t take care of them. Secondly, extensions can’t be migrated just as easily either. These migrations also increase any chances of losses occurring in data during the migration process and also adverse effects on SEO rankings.

You can rest assured that your data will be safe and secure throughout the migration and this is because we are using 128 bit SSL encryption to protect your data while migrating and also the HTTPS protocol.

Since passwords are a form of encrypted data, it is difficult to migrate them to another platform such as Shopify

One of the foremost reasons is to move from a web store that you have to host yourself, to one that is hosted. This takes some burden off your shoulders. Also when it comes down to it, there is no better option than Shopify when it comes to migrating. 

Shopify is also more secure in the sense that everything is managed for you. It is also one of the only platforms where there is little to no chance of your customers’ data getting stolen or hacked. Even if it does, it is the platform’s responsibility.

Yes, you can move blogs when you are migrating from one platform to another.

Yes, it is possible to migrate customer reviews when you migrate from Magento to Shopify.

Yes, it is possible to migrate multiple stores to Shopify.

Currently, it is possible to migrate only one multilingual store to Shopify or more of the same language and not multiple stores in different languages.

Not seeing your question listed here? Contact us for the quickest answer.


Products Migrated


Stores Customized & Migrated


Customer Satisfaction

We provide Magento to Shopify Migration & Shopify to Magento Migration both. Get in touch now!