
Shopify Headless Commerce Development Services

Elevate Store Performance: Headless Shopify

Get your project started with a team of expert Shopify Developers

What is Headless Shopify?

is a way to build online stores by separating the front-end design from the back-end management. This approach lets you create custom user experiences using popular frameworks like React or Vue.js, while still relying on Shopify’s strong back-end for secure eCommerce operations.

With Headless Shopify, you can create fast, interactive, and personalized online stores that are not limited by standard templates. It combines flexibility on the front end with stability and security on the back end.

The Global Shopify Plus Partner

Why Choose Headless Shopify?

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Swift Market Place

Headless Shopify development Company USA helps...

Swift Market Place

Headless Shopify development Company USA helps marketing departments with creative ideation processes to provide the best customer experience. It helps the department remove the possible limitations of different. As a reward, you get growth in sales, fewer ROIs, and satisfaction.
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Omnichannel selling

With headless Shopify development services USA, you can manage...

Omnichannel selling

With headless Shopify development services USA, you can manage everything from a single central location, while selling on all the digital touchpoints your customers use.
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Virtually, headless Shopify development solution turns any digital screen...


Virtually, headless Shopify development solution turns any digital screen into a digital storefront, from web pages and mobile apps to smart mirrors and wearables.
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Developer freedom

Headless Shopify development Company USA allows your developers to...

Developer freedom

Headless Shopify development Company USA allows your developers to build your business content with the languages and frameworks they have expertise in.

Faster Load Times for Better Conversions

Want to increase your sales? Make your site load faster with headless shopify development services. By separating the front end from the back end in Shopify, your site becomes more responsive. This change helps visitors find what they're looking for without any wait, leading to better conversion rates.

Who Can Benefit from Headless E-commerce Services?

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Large Retailers with Complex Needs

Retailers with extensive product catalogs, multiple sales channels, and a need for customization can benefit significantly from headless e-commerce.

Large Retailers with Complex Needs

Retailers with extensive product catalogs, multiple sales channels, and a need for customization can benefit significantly from headless e-commerce. The decoupling of front-end and back-end allows these businesses to design bespoke shopping experiences tailored to their unique requirements. This flexibility can lead to improved customer engagement and higher conversion rates.
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Brands Seeking Custom Front-End Design

For businesses that want to create a unique and memorable brand identity, headless e-commerce provides the freedom to design custom storefronts.

Brands Seeking Custom Front-End Design

For businesses that want to create a unique and memorable brand identity, headless e-commerce provides the freedom to design custom storefronts. By separating the front-end from the back-end, brands can build interfaces that reflect their style and branding, allowing them to stand out in a crowded market.
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Companies with Omnichannel Strategies

Businesses pursuing an omnichannel approach—combining online, mobile, and physical retail—will find headless e-commerce beneficial.

Companies with Omnichannel Strategies

Businesses pursuing an omnichannel approach—combining online, mobile, and physical retail—will find headless e-commerce beneficial. The ability to create consistent experiences across different platforms, from websites to mobile apps to in-store kiosks, ensures customers can interact with the brand seamlessly, regardless of the channel.
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ECommerce Startups with Rapid Growth Potential

Startups that anticipate rapid growth and scalability needs can leverage headless e-commerce to future-proof their business.

ECommerce Startups with Rapid Growth Potential

Startups that anticipate rapid growth and scalability needs can leverage headless e-commerce to future-proof their business. The flexibility to adapt and integrate with various third-party services allows startups to scale quickly without being tied to a single framework. This adaptability is crucial for startups in dynamic markets.
How We Made Shopify Stores Go Viral

We build winning Shopify stores for businesses of all sizes. Over 15 years, we've helped countless companies thrive online. We love what we do, and your success is our passion. Let's build yours!

Easilocks – Shopify

  • Shopify

  • Folio3 proposed a comprehensive solution to address Easilocks’ challenges. This solution encompassed the customization of Easilocks’ Shopify store, including features such as sign-up/approval processes, B2B catalog setup, and more.


  • Coldesi, Shopify

  • The Folio3 team built this click-on-demand app Clickwear by just getting the abstract idea of our client.
AirBag Man - Thumbnail

Airbag Man

  • App for tier pricing and managing customer discounts

  • Folio3 designed a tailored app for tier pricing, and managing customer discounts and groups.
Shopify Projects Delivered
Certified Developers

We're all about boosting the performance of Shopify stores, pushing them to be the best they can be. If you want your store to outshine the competition and take the top spot, you've come to the right place. Button

Headless Shopify development Platform

Why choose Folio3 as your Shopify Customization Partner?

Agile Procedures

At Folio3, we believe in agility. Our development process is based on agile methodologies, allowing us to be flexible and adaptive to your changing needs. This means we work in short, iterative cycles, enabling us to quickly respond to feedback and make adjustments. With Us, you’re not stuck with a rigid plan; instead, you get a flexible approach that ensures your Shopify project evolves with your business. This flexibility leads to faster development times, reduced costs, and a better end product because we can constantly refine and improve along the way.

ECommerce Expertise

Folio3 has extensive experience in the e-commerce space, giving us a deep understanding of what makes online stores successful. Our team knows the ins and outs of Shopify, including best practices, trends, and innovative techniques. We bring this expertise to every project, helping you create a Shopify store that not only looks great but also drives sales and customer engagement. From optimizing your product pages to setting up smooth checkout processes, we cover all aspects of e-commerce to ensure your Shopify store achieves its full potential.

The Power to Scale

One of the key benefits of working with Folio3 is our ability to scale your Shopify store as your business grows. We understand that e-commerce is constantly changing, and you need a platform that can adapt to increased traffic, product offerings, and customer demands. We design scalable solutions that can handle growth without sacrificing performance. Whether you’re a small startup with big dreams or an established brand aiming to expand, we have the expertise to ensure your Shopify store can grow with you, providing a seamless experience for your customers no matter how big you get.


Innovation-Driven Team

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do at Folio3. Our team is passionate about exploring new technologies and finding creative solutions to complex challenges. When you partner with us, you get a team that is always looking for ways to improve your Shopify store, whether it’s through advanced integrations, enhanced user experiences, or cutting-edge design. Our innovation-driven approach ensures that your store stands out from the competition, offering unique features and functionality that keep customers engaged and coming back for more.


No More Hassle

Working with Folio3 means you don’t have to worry about the complexities of Shopify development. We take care of all the technical details, allowing you to focus on running your business. Our team handles everything from design and development to integration and maintenance, providing a hassle-free experience. You get a dedicated project manager who keeps you informed every step of the way, ensuring smooth communication and timely delivery. With us, you can relax, knowing your Shopify project is in good hands, and concentrate on growing your business without any extra stress.

Data-Driven Decisions

At Folio3, we believe in the power of data. We integrate analytics tools and reporting into your Shopify store, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and store performance. This data empowers you to make informed decisions about your product offerings, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience. By analyzing data trends, we can identify areas for improvement and optimize your store to drive sales and conversions. This data-driven approach ensures you’re not just building a beautiful store, but a strategic one that delivers long-term success.

Looking for a Headless shopify partner to give your store a perfect look?

Frequently Asked Questions

Headless Shopify means you are separating your front-end from the backend and designing then using different up-to-date technologies that are best suited for your business requirements.

Creating a headless Shopify eCommerce storefront will allow your customers to browse, search, and select products without feeling the need to visit your business’s Shopify store. Moreover, it also allows you to have your codebase and templates.

When making your Shopify go headless, you get to keep all the amazing backend eCommerce functions Shopify provides. The only difference is your site will be using a different frontend or “head” to run the customer side of the business. 

If you want to build your own headless Shopify eCommerce Storefront, reach out to Folio3’s expert development team and let them handle your project from the beginning to the end!

Headless Shopify means you are separating your front-end from the backend and designing then using different up-to-date technologies that are best suited for your business requirements.

Creating a headless Shopify eCommerce storefront will allow your customers to browse, search, and select products without feeling the need to visit your business’s Shopify store. Moreover, it also allows you to have your own codebase and templates.

When make your Shopify go headless with, you get to keep all the amazing backend eCommerce functions Shopify provides. The only difference is your site will be using a different frontend or “head” to run the customer side of the business. 

If you want to build your own headless Shopify eCommerce Storefront, reach out to Folio3’s expert development team and let them handle your project from the beginning to the end!

The description is a short step-by-step guide for setting up a headless Shopify eCommerce store. It will show you how to set up a headless Shopify eCommerce store. 

Step one is choosing the right technology for your business’s storefront. 

Start by building your user interface. 

Take your development team’s skills and expertise into consideration 

Consider each specific technology to meet your storefront’s design and technical requirements.

Consider the static site generators like Gatsby.js or Next.js or headless CMS like Prismic or Contentful

Step two is getting you familiar with the Shopify Storefront API 

The great place to start with is Shopify’s GraphQL guide. Then, follow it up with the “Getting started…” page of the Storefront API. 

Step three is generating an access token for the storefront. 

Go to your Shopify admin for generating an access token. Click on the section “Apps” and click “Manage private apps.” Next, click “Create new private app” and add an app name and email. Then in the Storefront API section, select the checkbox for “Allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API,” select the data types you want to give exposure to your app, and click “Save.” 

After clicking “Save”, you will find a generated storefront access token at the bottom of the Storefront API page.

Step four is building and customizing your storefront 

Get you self-familiarized with the custom storefront example applications. These will provide the best guidance for customizing your storefront. 

After this, install the JavaScript Buy SDK using NPM or Yarn for a React.js application. Later, you simply have to import the client object into your app code. Once it is initialized, you can request to make a Storefront API. The most useful resources for checking which data is available according to your business requirements are JavaScript Buy SDK docs and official API documentation on Shopify’s website.

Folio3 is not your typical web development organization. Our custom software development solutions help us focus on expanding the boundaries of eCommerce. Our main focus always remains the architecture that offers growth, agility, and scalability and tunes your sites to adjust market trends. We believe in working beyond the capacity to help you decide the right platforms for increased sales customization and make smartphones-friendly eCommerce stores according to your business needs.

Folio3 focuses on scalability as our priority of our clients who hire us as headless Shopify developer. We use Shopify Plus, a headless architecture, as a headless Shopify Design service to deal with your ever-expanding business. It means you do not get to worry about the complex operations and constraints your website may face as it expands. The tools for the shopping experience we offer for headless Shopify solutions are very user-friendly. These shopping tools include adding to cart, wishlist, easy checkout, open-ended payment gateway options, and more for an amazing shopping experience. With Folio3, your work will become hassle-free as we choose to daily update your answers to all your what’s, whys, when’s, and hows. You get a best friend and an adviser to deal with your project, instead of a Project Manager who works on a roadmap for the team to control the quality and the delivery of your project. So, you will be able to focus on other important things; since your projects are good hands, you can focus on other things.

Do you have a Shopify Project requirement you would like to discuss?