BigCommerce to WooCommerce Migration

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Folio3 eCommerce > BigCommerce to WooCommerce Migration
Our clients love us because we deliver results!
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Justyna Wilson

Senior Director – eCommerce & Marketing

Face Reality Skin Care

The team has been absolutely amazing to work with
Played a critical role in launching a lot of our initiatives
They are very solution oriented, and they have been a pleasure to work with
I would highly recommend working with Folio3 team

Omar Ali-Midani

Co-Founder & President

PureLife Dental

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Omar Ali-Midani
Co-Founder & President
PureLife Dental
We couldn’t be happier; the launch was perfect!
We are getting positive feedback from our customers and entire staff
fabulous, detail oriented, works super well
our customers are glowing with how fast, how smooth our website is
Folio3 has completely nailed it!

How To Migrate From BigCommerce To WooCommerce

Prepare WooCommerce For Exporting

Export the data you want to move from WooCommerce, such as products, customers, orders, and reviews, and download the export file.

Get BigCommerce Ready for Import

Sign up for a BigCommerce account, set up payment and shipping methods, and configure tax and other settings.

Select the Information That Needs to Be Moved

You can customize your BigCommerce to WooCommerce migration by choosing the data you want to move and adding extra options.

Get Going With Your WooCommerce Migration

Upload the export file to BigCommerce, and review and edit the imported data. Run a demo test, redirect your domain name to the new store, and launch the BigCommerce store.

What Data Does BigCommerce to WooCommerce Migration Allow?

  • Name, SKU, Complete Description, Statuses, Manufacturers.
  • Prices, Special Prices.
  • Meta Title, Meta Description.
  • Weight.
  • Variants: (SKU, Weight, Price Special Price, Name).
  • Additional Pictures.
  • Quantity.
Product Categories
  • Name, Description, Status.
  • Pictures, URL, Meta-Data (Title, Keywords, and Description).
  • Name
  • First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • First and last name, Company, Order Dates, Statuses, Products (with their Name, SKU, Option), Product Price, Quantity, Total Price, Shipping Price, and Discounted Price, Tax Price, Additional Order Comments
  • Shipping and payment Addresses: First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • Coupon Name, Code, Date, and Expiries.
  • Ratings, Dates, Status, Customer Name, Item, and the Comment.
  • URLs, SEO, Titles, and Complete Description.

What Additional Services do We Offer?

Delete All Demo Data On BigCommerce Store Before Starting Migration

All BigCommerce shop data (including goods, orders, photos, customers, etc.) is deleted before the migration begins. After all the sample data has been deleted, test the actual data.
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Keep IDs

This feature will help you save product, customer, and order IDs so that your IDs do not mix up during BigCommerce to WooCommerce migration.
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Generate 301 Redirects To Your BigCommerce Store

It allows you to redirect old store product and category URLs to the new store. It helps maintain your SEO rankings.
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Build Product Variants Based Upon Available Combinations Of Options

This transforms simple products with options in the Source store into configurable/variable products in the Target Store.
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Strip HTML Tags From Product & Category Names

Use this function to remove all HTML tags from categories, product names, and descriptions so that they display correctly and appear correctly in the WooCommerce Store.
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Transfer Feature Images From Products, Descriptions & Categories

Move all of the images (for goods, categories, descriptions, and blogs) from BigCommerce to WooCommerce.
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Transfer All Additional Images

In addition to the featured and thumbnail images, we will upload all of your other product images from BigCommerce to WooCommerce.
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Transfer All Descriptions

Move your BigCommerce store's succinct and detailed descriptions over to the same field.
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Setup Your BigCommerce Store

After setting up a brand new shop on BigCommerce, it's time to switch to WooCommerce.
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Modify Product Quantity On Your BigCommerce Store

If you want an out-of-stock item to appear as available in your Target store, we increase or decrease the quantity currently displayed.
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Why Should You Choose Folio3 As Your WooCommerce Migration Company?

Folio3 is one of the best companies that offer e-commerce solutions and services for moving to WooCommerce. By working with Folio3, businesses can rest assured that their BigCommerce to WooCommerce migration will be handled by experts committed to ensuring the process goes smoothly.

Near-zero Downtime

We ensure the whole migration process is seamless and smooth, with little to no downtime. This means businesses can continue to operate and sell online without interrupting their sales or customers' shopping experience.
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Ongoing Technical Support

Folio3 helps businesses maintain their WooCommerce stores by offering ongoing technical support. This includes troubleshooting, bug fixes, and optimization to ensure the store runs smoothly and efficiently.
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Professional Developers

Folio3 has a team of e-commerce developers with 10+ years of experience in BigCommerce to WooCommerce migration. They know much about the platform's features and capabilities and can easily guide businesses through migration.
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Secure Migration

With 128-bit SSL encryption and the HTTPS protocol, Folio3 ensures that the migration process is safe, and all data is transferred safely. We use the latest encryption technology and follow industry-standard security protocols to keep businesses' data safe and stop any data loss or security breaches during migration.
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Multiply Your eCommerce Revenue With Folio3 Migration Services

Seeking to advance your eCommerce business? Our expert migration services at Folio3 can help you expand your reach and increase your revenue. If you want to migrate from BigCommerce to WooCommerce, our team of seasoned professionals can make the transition seamless and trouble-free.


Pick the Right Model to Hire WooCommerce Developers

Speak with our team of experts to identify the model that best fits your unique requirements

Fixed Price Model works best if you have a well-defined project scope, timeline, and budget. With a fixed cost model, you will pay a pre- agreed amount for the entire project, regardless of the actual time and resources it takes to complete the project. This model is ideal for small to medium-sized projects with clear requirements and deliverables.

For projects with evolving requirements, the Time and Material model is an hourly model that offers flexibility and adaptability. Clients are billed based on actual time and resources used, making it suitable for agile development and frequent changes.

With the Monthly Retainer model, businesses pay a fixed monthly fee for a dedicated team. It offers long-term support, cost-effectiveness, and access to reliable resources without the hassle of recruiting. Perfect for consistent development needs and regular updates.

Staff Augmentation allows businesses to quickly enhance their teams by adding skilled developers for specific projects or time periods. It offers flexibility, as you can choose the resources you need, from individual developers to full project teams. It helps you meet deadlines and access specialized expertise without long-term commitments.

Frequently Asked Questions

A business could switch from BigCommerce to WooCommerce for several reasons. The price is one of the most common reasons. WooCommerce is a free, open-source platform, while BigCommerce is a hosted solution that charges money each month. WooCommerce is also more flexible and gives you more ways to customize it than BigCommerce.

Yes, you can move all your data from BigCommerce to WooCommerce, including products, customers, orders, and categories. However, the process can be complicated and take a long time, so hiring a professional BigCommerce to WooCommerce migration service is best to ensure your data moves smoothly.


Yes, there may be some downtime during the migration process, especially during the domain name transfer and DNS changes. But we will ensure that your website is only down for a short time and is still accessible during the process.

The time taken during the migration process depends on how complicated the data to be moved is and how much customization is needed. On average, though, the migration process takes one or two weeks.

During the migration process, your SEO ranking could be hurt if the proper precautions aren’t taken. Folio3, on the other hand, will make sure that your SEO ranking stays the same by setting up 301 redirects and making sure that all the necessary SEO tags and metadata are appropriately transferred.

The cost of the migration service depends on the size, complexity, and customization needs of the online store. Folio3 has reasonable prices and can give a quote tailored to the business’s needs.
