Magento to WooCommerce Migration

Migrate your products, customizations, customers and more to WooCommerce without losing any data.


Using an App or a Plugin for WooCommerce migration is known to be a bad decision, and there are multiple reasons for concluding this, such as:​


If a person has customized their web store according to the needs of their business, those customizations are specific to a certain platform. When migrating the store to WooCommerce using an App or Plugin, those customizations do not migrate, and you are left with no option but to customize again.


When working on a certain platform, you get used to its outlook, features and extensions, but when migrating to another platform, such as WooCommerce, you need to understand that the extensions and features that the other platform was offering do not exist anymore.


As we discussed customizations, even themes are part of it. For example, if you have chosen a certain theme on a platform, and customized it according to your business needs, when migrating to WooCommerce, you need to choose another theme, because themes are platform-specific most of the time.


Apps and Plugins are not the right way to migrate because there is a high risk of loss of data, due to no quality assurance being implemented in this way.


There is also high level risk of security because of different aspects.

  • One security threat that exists is the fact that some Apps download along a hidden plugin which cannot be seen around, and may cause problems for the user.
  • Another security threat is that passwords are not migrated or transmitted, so they need to be typed out again, which leads to the hidden plugin catching the password and leaking it to its source.
  • This means that anyone can access your accounts from this point forward, making the system totally open and highly vulnerable.

What data can be migrated to WooCommerce


  • Name, SKU, Full Description, Images in Description, Status, Manufacturer.
  • Price, Special Price.
  • URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.
  • Weight.
  • Variants (SKU, Weight, Quantity, Images, Price, Special Price).
  • Base Image, Additional Images.
  • Quantity, Manage Stock.


  • Email, Customer Group, Newsletter.
  • Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).
  • Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).


  • Id, Order Date, Order Status, Order Products (Name, SKU), Product Price, Quantity, Sub Total Price, Discount Price, Tax Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments.
  • Customer Name, Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).
  • Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone).

Product Categories

  • Name, Description, Status.
  • Image
  • URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.


  • Name


  • Name, Coupon Code, Type Discount, Discount Amount.


  • Created Date, Rate, User Name , Comment , Product, Title.


  • Yes


  • Title, URL, Meta Description, Status, Content Heading.

What Additional Services Do We Offer?


Clear Data On Target Store Before Migration

We help you clear your data on the Target Store that is not useful anymore, or not needed for migration purposes, so that there is no loss of data at all, and unimportant data is deleted. This includes: images, orders, customers, etc.


Preserve Order IDs on Target Store

After the migration as well, order IDs can be preserved, which makes it easier for the Target Store to save the IDs and use them for repeat customers, without asking for or generating new ones.


Create 301 Redirects on Target Store

Creating redirecting options for products and categories on Target Store that can lead customers back to the Source Store products and categories using the same links, makes it easier for customers to continue their order where left.


Create Product Variants Based on Combinations of Options

Different products variants can be made as well, depending on what combinations of options are available within the store products ad categories. Migration can also make these variants and combinations more configurable later on.


Strip HTML from Category, Product Names

HTML tags can be separated by stripping them off from the product names, categories or descriptions of the products, in order to ensure that they fit perfectly into the Target Store and display properly.


Migrate Images from Products, Categories and Blogs

In order to attract customers towards your products and categories, it is important to display images within the descriptions and posts, making it important to migrate images into the Target Store as well, from the Source Store.


Change Products Quantity on Target Store

To display any product out of stock means a loss of customers who would want to buy that, so we provide you the option to change the quantity of the products at the front end so that they do not display out of stock for the customers and the business keeps running smoothly.


Migrate Additional Images

This is another important offer we provide, that the migration makes it possible for you to bring along all the additional, full - size images into the Target Store, and not just the thumbnail, so that the customers can have a better view at the product being offered.


Migrate Short and Full Descriptions

This feature helps you to migrate all kinds of descriptions into the same box or field, be it a long description or short, making it easier for customers to read the complete descritptions in one place.


Migrate Product SKUs

To change SKUs can get very hectic, because the vendor already has an SKU database and it is easier to carry the same SKU forward, which is one feature we offer our users, to transfer all product SKUs from the Source Store to the Target Store without any hindrance.

We can migrate your store to WooCommerce without losing a sweat!

Why choose Folio3 for WooCommerce Migration?

Folio3 has one of the best teams of experts that help your web store migrate platforms without any hassle. They specialize in WooCommerce migration processes, thus, they know both the platforms very well, including all their features, pros, cons and even the things that can or cannot be migrated. This gives the user an upper hand when migrating, because the expert team handles everything on their own, and the user, even if they have low or no knowledge of the migration process, can hand it all over to the Folio3 team, and they can handle it very well.


No Downtime

The first and foremost advantage that Folio3 experts can give its users are the fact that, during the migration process, from Magento to WooCommerce, the Source Store (belonging to the Magento platform) will not shut down, and keep running. This means that even though the store is shifting platforms, there will be no loss of business at all, as the previous store is still functioning.


Professional Support

The team of professionals at Folio3 and all the experts are available to their users all day, every day. The users can easily communicate with them through the phone, live chat or emails, and get information, solutions to problems and even live updates from the team over their project.


Certified Experts

The expert team at Folio3 is highly certified and professionally qualified in their field, having proper knowledge of their job, and how all the processes in the different platforms work. They know the features of each platform, and how everything works at the front and back end inside and out.

Secure Data WooCommerce Migration

Secure Data Migration

The one important service that Folio3 offers is security, which is an essential aspect of migration from any platform to anywhere else. This is because, while the migration is happening, there is high risk of data loss and even passwords or vital credentials being leaked. Thus, Folio3 has taken the responsibility of performing a hindrance-free and secure migration for your store.


3-Month Migration Assuarance

Not only does Folio3 provide secure and smooth migration, but they are also giving a guarantee of sorts for a certain period of time. For upto three months, the users can try the migration and see if it is working out for them or not, and then accept or complain, which the Folio3 will then deal with accordingly.

Learn how we have helped brands succeed with our full-spectrum ecommerce services!

Metro Shoes

MetroShoes Warehouse

Headless Bigcommerce Integration
With headless BigCommerce Integration, inventory management and order processing for MetroShoes Warehouse was made easy

Purelife dental

Purelife dental

Magento 2 website design and development
Magento design and development and customization of website features helped Purelife dental improve customer management and customer experience on their website



B2B B2C Customization, Dynamics Integration
Magento 2 migration and ERP integration helped Flexiglass make business processes more efficient, improve data synchronization and business management.

Custom WooCommerce Migration Services:

Our WooCommerce Migration services suit all kinds of businesses and web stores. If you feel the need for a more tailored plan, get in touch with our developers now for a free consultation. Our services are especially designed keeping in mind the impact on Search Engine and the overall performance of your store.

Popular Questions About WooCommerce Migration:

Using a store migration app is not an ideal solution to our migration decisions, because it has a lot of disadvantages, for example: customized themes, designs and features cannot be migrated to the other platform through an app, there is high risk of loss of data, there is a major security threat where passwords can be leaked and the extensions of the new platform may not blend properly through an app.

If the data migration happens through an app or a plugin, it is under majore security threat and is not safe at all. This is because, during the migration, some data is lost through the app, and even passwords and important credentials can be easily leaked.

Though, if your use a proper migration company and its channel, then your job is very secure and completely hassle-free. Folio3, especially brings you a team of professional experts who can help you migrate your platforms without any loss of data and hundred percent securely.

No, customer passwords cannot be igrated to the WooCommerce platform, if the process is conducted through an app or plugin. This is why they need to be typed out again, leading to insecurity as the plugins or apps may have hidden features that lead the passwords.

Whereas, if migrated through a proper company like Folio3, then the migration process is also easier, plus tha company handles the transfer of all passwords and information, keeping them secure and making the transfer possible.

WooCommerce is one of the most widely used eCommerce platforms across the globe, with one third of the total web stores using this platform. The reasons to perform a Magento to WooCommerce migration are:

  • Ease of Use – WooCommerce is easier to use than Magento.
  • Affordability – WooCommerce is a completely free platform, whereas Magento has pricing plans and charges for using it.
  • Skill Requirement – WooCommerce is easier to use, thus, you do not need any prior skills, but it could be great if you have worked with WordPress before. For Magento, some prior knowledge and skills are required, or you will have to hire third party experts for the work.

Yes, it is possible to migrate blogs from any platform to WooCommerce, but it requires expert help and needs to be done professionally. Thus, for this purpose, the user needs to hire a team of experts that can migrate the blogs as they are into the WooCommerce platform, and migration through apps and plugins do not have this option at all.

Yes, even reviews, like blogs, can be migrated to the WooCommerce platform, as it is, but they also need professional skills and knowledge to attain success of migration. The work needs to be conducted through certified professionals, because an app or plugin cannot perform the proper migration that is required in this case.

Yes, the WooCommerce platform allows you to access, manage and migrate multiple stores into the system. It is a professional task, and can only be handled by certified experts of the WooCommerce platform, but it is very much possible.

Yes, multilingual stores can be migrated and are supported by the WooCommerce platform, though, the platform uses a certain plugin for this purpose (WPML plugin). The only issue with this plugin is that it needs to be purchased and installed into your platform before the start of the migration purpose, to ensure all data has been transferred, which can add another cost, but is a successful feature.

Yes, Magento to WooCommerce migration is a great decision, because almost one third of the world is already using WooCommerce, and there are a lot of advantages of using WooCommerce over Shopify, such as:

  • Affordability – WooCommerce is a free platform and does not charge to launch a web store through it, whereas Shopify has monthly pricing plans that one needs to subscribe to in order to gain the rights of use of the platform.
  • Payment Gateway Fees – Both platforms offer multiple payment gateways to pay through, but in some Shopify plans, the user may have to pay a transaction fees.
  • Ease of Use – Shopify is a fully hosted site, thus, it may take more time and effort to setup, whereas WooCommerce can easily be added as a plugin extension to any WordPress account and it will start working instantaneously.
  • Migration – WooCommerce migration is also easier as compared to migration into the Shopify platform, since less effort and skill is required, especially for people familiar to WordPress.

On a side note, even OpenCart to WooCommerce migration and Prestashop to WooCommerce migration have proved to be successful in the past, and people around the globe mostly prefer using the WooCommerce platform over many others.

If you want to open an online store quickly, Shopify combines extensive ecommerce tools with a simple setup procedure, but this comes at a cost, you don’t own the platform and must pay a commission on every sale.
The WooCommerce plugin, on the other hand, can turn any WordPress site into a robust ecommerce platform. WooCommerce claims to provide you ultimate control over your ecommerce store due to its vast community of plugins, extensions, and themes.

While WooCommerce is user-friendly and offers low-cost payments for your typical eCommerce needs, it also has excellent community support and you can very quickly get answers to all of your queries. Magento is excellent for big businesses, but it comes at a greater price. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is better for small businesses.

Not seeing your question listed here? Contact us for the quickest answer.


Products Migrated


Stores Customized & Migrated


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