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    Fully automated Shopify Store

    Last Updated | June 24, 2024

    What is eCommerce automation on Shopify?

    ECommerce automation allows for the users of Shopify and its team to be granted with time to work on other complex tasks. It is convenient as it ‘automates’ the process therefore the Shopify team can better allocate their time to advancing the platform and making other more important improvements. The phrase typically means to have software that automatically executes different tasks, processes, and campaigns when needed. However, this automation can face its own fair share of problems when businesses expand. Upon expansion, the tasks become too much to handle, and the software can prove to be inefficient thus requiring human labor supervision.

      Previously there have been different ways that Shopify has automated its processes using its App Store. Certain apps have enabled email marketing, customer service (including live chat), shipping, order fulfillment and many other such operations to be automated. However, these apps still do not cover the vast operations of Shopify and therefore eCommerce automation tools are required on Shopify.

    Examples of eCommerce automation

    E-commerce automation can be used in numerous ways on Shopify. However, the primary focus is on the time-consuming manual tasks that can easily be carried out by software. Such tasks include fulfillment and inventory levels. Fulfillment means when the order is ready to be shipped to the customer, the system sends a message or email to the customer notifying them that the order is going to be shipped out soon. Inventory levels should be updated automatically hence notifying the sellers if there are some unsold goods or out-of-stock goods that need to be restocked or completely removed from the inventory.  The platform can further automate the release of a new product or an event launch. They can be pre-loaded on all the connected app integrations and users can set a mutual time for the release. Other miscellaneous tasks include automating employee discounts and general discounts to customers upon inputting an applicable coupon code or a flat discount.

    Fully automated Shopify Store – Is Shopify fully automated?

      Some functions of Shopify are fully automated. This includes Shopify dropshipping. The features of a fully automated Shopify store are as follows:

    • Cart abandonment emails: Shopify automation can send up to two emails to customers on cart abandonment, asking them if they are still interested or simply motivating them to “complete your purchase”.
    • Semi automation of customer service: The bot responds to FAQs. However, if the question is different than a FAQ then a human can step in as they will be monitoring the customer service and it is advised that it must not be fully automated.
    • Automated inventory management: Having an automated process of product information and its prices is helpful as unsold goods or sold goods can automatically be updated in the inventory and can send out alerts to the manufacturer to update inventory levels. This causes immediate updates and no delay in order fulfillment.

    Fully automated Shopify store - Shopify integration

    What is a fully automated Shopify store?

      A fully automated Shopify store is one which has zero human contact or interaction within the platform and outside the platform (i.e., with consumers). To automate means to save time and mostly it is efficient. However, a fully automated Shopify store can lead to a drop in sales and a weakened customer relationship. All inventory and order fulfillment will be handled by the dropshipper, and all other processes are handled by relevant technologies rather than people.

      Automation via categories of processes can be divided into the following stages:

    1. Easy automation: Free solutions that are easily installable and can also be configured conveniently. Examples include automation of emails.
    2. Accounting: These tasks are a little difficult to automate thus they need accounting formulas and data sources on accounting platforms.
    3. Custom solutions: Unique business processes that are difficult to automate. A solution needs to be tailored for these from scratch. An example is that of the Twitter bot that responds to FAQs.
    4. Impossible to automate: Specific comments to customers on social media posts with different queries (outside of FAQs), meetings, contacting new wholesalers, and other miscellaneous tasks that are only meaningful if carried out manually.

    How do I start an automated Shopify store?

      Sometimes automating Shopify is a simple task and does not require involving a third party and can directly be done from the Shopify admin page. However, sometimes it is complex and requires coding. Other times it requires hiring someone to take care of automation of certain processes. To automate your Shopify store, there are different options that you can choose from:

    1. Use Shopify Flow.
    2. Use Alloy- an automation tool like Shopify Flow.
    3. Use Zapier.
    4. Hire customization experts or developers.

      Using any software for automation will directly automate workflow and provide different app integrations and templates to deploy. Different operations can be automated through outsourcing. The outsourcing can be done to multiple entities. For example, an ad agency could handle the marketing of the store while Amazon or any other dropshipper can handle order fulfillment. This outsourcing is also referred to as “third party” involvement. Different companies and agencies are specifically designed to take on the automation tasks for Shopify stores. The different ways to automate could be:

    1. Shipping: Companies such as “Stamps.com” can import your orders and after selecting the best rate, they can automatically ship the order to the customer.
    2. Order processing: The packing process of an order can be fully automated via using different software.
    3. Email marketing: Scheduling emails and instant responses.
    4. Shopify apps: Many Shopify apps are available to automate a part of the workflow. You can hire an app development company to assist you.

      Firstly, you must list down all the processes to overlook which ones need to be automated and which ones are to be done manually. Then, divide these tasks into categories by determining which ones can be easily automated and which ones are difficult to automate. Then, subsequently look for solutions for each category. These solutions already exist thus can be applied conveniently. Lastly, you should build your own automation solutions to present a USP.

    Fully automated Shopify store - Shopify migration

    Top Benefits of eCommerce automation with Shopify?

    1. Scalability: Automating tasks allows for the hired labor to deal with other tedious tasks and work on strategic projects. This enhances productivity of the workforce and the business in general. It also allows for more web development through Shopify ecommerce web development services

    2. Limits human error: Manual tasks mean the hired labor carries out certain tasks and processes. This can lead to human error such as typos and time lag due to some unprecedented delays by the workforce in updating the operations. An example is inputting the desired discount code- 10% as 100% instead. This can cause problems on a larger magnitude than expected.

    3. Data collection and analysis: There can be better data collection through automation as the businesses on Shopify are of large scale too and handling so much data requires a lot of expertise specially to minimize human error. Furthermore, analyzing the data can be time-consuming and could also lack in correct interpretation if the data collected is insufficient or consists of human error.

    4. Tagging: Tagging is an essential part of Shopify. It means to provide unique tags to customers based on their purchases and preferences. This allows for segmentation of the customers and therefore can provide a basis for targeted marketing as well as observe what works well for a certain segment of customers. Automated tagging is an integral part of Shopify and is recommended for better management of the domain.

    5. Higher productivity: Along with productivity in certain tasks by the team, they can also take out the extra time saved by automation on building good customer relationships. Other than customer relationships, it will allow them to sync with other stakeholders of the business such as suppliers and other trading partners. It will improve the customer experience as everything will be quick and less faulty thus, they will return for repeat purchases.

    6. Room for more business intelligence: Automation makes the business more agile and automating the processes from the start can lead to more knowledge on better technologies available in the marketplace. Those technologies can then be implemented for more efficient automation.

    7. Marketing: Automation can help marketers limit the cart abandonment rates and bring in new customers through pop-up ads. Cart abandonment can be restricted through automated text messages and emails. Automated follow-ups are also necessary to keep the business competitive in the industry.

    How is Folio3 the best eCommerce automation company?

      Folio3 is a large software development company, and it helps its clientele build unique ecommerce solutions. It provides solutions for all types of businesses ranging from small businesses to large businesses, read our article is Shopify Good For Small Businesses to get more details about it. Folio3, which is one of the best shopify optimization company, focuses on its consumers primarily therefore it provides some of the best ecommerce automation companies.

      Their ecommerce solutions are consumer centric and are focused on growth and the return on investment. This allows the customers to outsmart their competition in the market as well as increase their profitability. Moreover, Folio3 companies have always delivered results for all B2B and B2C eCommerce solutions. The best eCommerce automation platforms on Folio3 are Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento Ecommerce, BigCommerce, and many more.

    Folio3 Ecommerce Services

      The ecommerce provided by Folio3 is highly customizable, creative, and innovative. This is mainly due to the 15 years of experience the company has had in the industry. The team at Folio3 is highly skilled and they focus on minute details to deliver the best shopify integration experience. It also allows for ecommerce integration on large platforms such as those mentioned above. The integration automates the processes and reduces human error as well as increases productivity. Moreover, the ecommerce migration services on Folio3 ensure a smooth migration of data within the departments on the platform and onto one platform to another.

      To carry out these services, Folio3 has a top-notch development team. They ensure that the solutions provided to the customers are in accordance with their preferences and are flexible. They are also always available to cater to any customer queries and provide any further assistance or advice. The ecommerce development process on Folio3 is as follows:

    1. Requirements Assessment: This includes assessing all the objectives of the business and any pre-set requirements.
    2. Design: This consists of all the templates and customization process. It also includes test-runs and approval of the design prior to its implementation.
    3. Implementation: This includes setting up the store and integrating with other apps if need be.
    4. Post Deployment Support: This includes the bug fixes and maintenance after the solution has been implemented. It can be referred to as the general optimization of the ecommerce solution provided by one of the best shopify experts.

    How do I automate marketing on Shopify?

    Using Folio3 shopify design and development, Shopify can automate its marketing through Shopify Klaviyo. Klaviyo is an app, and it allows for advanced marketing to take place on Shopify through its numerous tools. Klaviyo mostly deals in email marketing and the general email operations. The app makes use of the different components of marketing for example, it looks at browser history, products in the cart, comments, messages, and other interaction patterns to decipher the appropriate marketing campaign needed on Shopify. It also allows for better conversion rates through tracking customer requests and fulfilling them. Due to automation, no consumer request or complaint will go unnoticed whereas it is typical human error to forget about a certain request or oversee it. Klaviyo also categorizes customers into segments according to their consumption patterns. It provides with different templates for small tasks such as sending out emails. Thus, marketing automation allows for a large degree of customization as well.

      Folio3 offers Klaviyo integration with Shopify. Folio3 also connects Shopify with the customer relationship management (CRM) system. Some important CRM integrations can be Microsoft Dynamics CRM, HubSpot CRM, Metrilo, and many others. They improve opportunities of cross-selling and up-selling products of the business. The other benefits of using a CRM system are the same as using ecommerce automation. CRM is an ecommerce solution to handling day to day tasks.

    How to do Workflow automation in e-commerce by Shopify?

    What is workflow automation?

      Workflow automation is the link between the different tasks such as designing, marketing, and selling that are connected through a channel between the multiple departments and technology of the business. It optimizes the workflow within a business and avoids the daily manual hassle of repetitive tasks therefore is less time-consuming. These repetitive tasks may include recurring order fulfillment, updating consumer data, and adding new products to the catalog or updating the inventory levels. On Shopify, there are different software available to automate workflow.

    Why use a workflow automation software?

      Workflow automation software such as HappyFox has a simple and intuitive interface that makes automation easier compared to automation coding on Shopify. Shopify allows for multiple app integrations therefore more than one Workflow operation can be deployed via integration of apps. Examples include the integration with Workflow for Salesforce and Workflow for Help Desk.

      Moreover, they have a few key features that give it leverage over simply deploying Shopify automation.

    • Analyze online orders and use that information to create customized fields and categories.
    • Since all channels are connected, it keeps everyone in the loop of any updates that take place.
    • The workflow builder allows for non-coding automation. This is the most essential key feature of workflow automation.
    • Workflows, SKUs, and new processes can be created for any variant of the product.
    • Enables searching and updating existing product variants.
    • Multi-stages processes can be used for further updates to the existing workflow processes.

    Shopify Flow

      Shopify Plus has its own app called “Shopify Flow” that provides workflow automation. They have multiple workflow templates for the user to choose from. Shopify Flow is built on three components- trigger, condition, and action.

    1. Trigger: It is what starts the workflow and is normally an event that takes place inside the store. An example of this is the start of an order on the online store.
    2. Condition: It is a pre-set condition that will determine if an action will be taken. For example, the minimum cart limit is set to $100 for a consumer purchase.
    3. Action: When the above conditions are met then the task is carried out within the app or the store. An example is different levels of loyalty programs- if a consumer exceeds a pre-determined value, then they are awarded with a certain level of loyalty points.

      The sellers can create these triggers and actions on Shopify Flow and on any apps that are integrated with it via a connector.

    How to create a new workflow?

    1. On the Shopify admin, go to “Apps” and then to “Shopify Flow”.
    2. Select “Create workflow” and then select the trigger that will start the workflow.
    3. Then set the “Condition” for the action to be carried out.
    4. Then set the “Action” based on the condition fulfillment. Additional conditions and subsequent actions can also be added. It is also essential to add the action if the said condition remains unfulfilled.
    5. Click “New workflow”, this will allow you to set a name for the workflow.
    6. Lastly, “Turn on workflow” to run it.

    Conclusion About Fully automated Shopify Store

    Ecommerce automation enables a smoother workflow and can also lead to scalability of the business. At a given time, automation allows more work to get done thus improving the profitability of the business as more operations can then be run simultaneously. There is a saying on Shopify automation that says: “Focus on the work that counts. Automate the rest.” Shopify automation is carried out via workflow automation and app integrations.


    Folio3, a Software Powerhouse established in 2005, is one of the leading eCommerce solution providers for SMBs and Fortune 500. The Company has expertise in diverse industries such as Animal Care, Retail, Automotive, Food and Agriculture, and Health care. From ecommerce store design and development to full-scale ERP deployment and integration, Folio3 has done it all.