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    How to Migrate Prestashop to Shopify

    Last Updated | June 19, 2024

    If you want to migrate Prestashop to Shopify, it can seem daunting, but with the right tools and guidance, the process can be very simple.

    In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make the switch and say goodbye to the headache of Prestashop. Moreover, we will also discuss the benefits and uses of Shopify for you after migrating from Prestashop.

    • Merely 714k websites are live on Prestashop, while 4.4 million websites are live on Shopify.
    • Shopify uses plugins for its regularly updated functionalities, while Prestashop is significantly old.
    • Shopify Plus can provide businesses with extra marketing and tracking tools to acquire customers easily.

    Why Migrate from Prestashop to Shopify?

    There are several reasons why you might consider migrating Prestashop to Shopify:

    Ease Of Use

    One of the main benefits of Shopify is that it is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who are not tech-savvy. The platform has a simple, intuitive interface that allows you to set up and manage your online store easily.

    Better Payment Gateway Options

    Shopify offers a range of payment gateways integrated seamlessly into the platform. This can make it easier for you to manage your payments and reduce the risk of fraud. Some of the payment gateways available on Shopify include PayPal and Stripe.

    Better Marketing And Shopify SEO Tools

    Shopify is a platform that runs on Apps, and there are many marketing tools with many features. These tools can help you to optimize your store for search engines, run targeted advertising campaigns, and track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

    That being said, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of any platform before making a decision. You should consider your business needs, budget, and technical Shopify expert before deciding whether or not to migrate Prestashop to Shopify.

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Prestashop Shopify Migration?

    There are two ways you can go in order to migrate Prestashop to Shopify. One is the manual way, while the other is via using an app called Prestify, which is created specifically to migrate Prestashop to Shopify.

    To migrate Prestashop to Shopify manually, you will need to follow these steps:

    Step Number 1: Log in

    Log in to your Prestashop store.

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Prestashop Shopify Migration

    Step Number 2: Export your data from Prestashop

    In your Prestashop backend, go to “Tools” and select “Export.” Choose the data you want to export (e.g. products, customers, orders) and select the format you want to use (e.g. CSV).

    Export your data from Prestashop

    Step Number 3: Sign up / Log in

    Create a Shopify account or log in to your old one.

    Step Number 3 - Sign up - Log in

    Step Number 4: Import your data into Shopify

    In your Shopify backend, go to “Products,” then “All Products,” and select “Import.” Choose the file you want to import and follow the prompts to complete the import process. You can also import your customers and orders using similar steps.

    Import your data into Shopify

    Step Number 5: Set up your store

    Once you have imported your data, you will need to set up your store by adding payment gateways, choosing a theme, and customizing the appearance of your store.

    Step Number 6: Test your store

    Before going live with your store, it is important to test everything to ensure that everything is working properly. This includes testing the checkout process, making sure all products are displayed correctly, and checking that your payment gateways are working properly.

    Step Number 7: Go live

    Once you have tested your store and are confident that everything is working properly, you can go live and start accepting orders from customers.

    Keep in mind that migrating from Prestashop to Shopify can be a complex process, and it is recommended that you hire Shopify developers for Shopify development services if you want an extensive manual migration.

    Prestify Method

    Prestify is a third-party app that can be used to migrate Prestashop to Shopify. To use the Prestify app to migrate your store, follow these steps:

    Step Number 1: Log in/Sign up

    Log in or Sign up to your Shopify store

    shopify log in

    Step Number 2: Install the Prestify app

    In your Shopify backend, go to “Apps” and search for “Prestify”. Click “Add app” to install the Prestify app.

    Install the Prestify app

    Step Number 3: Connect your Prestashop store

    In the Prestify app, click “Connect store” and follow the prompts to connect your Prestashop store.

    Step Number 4: Select the data you want to migrate

    Choose the data you want to migrate from Prestashop to Shopify, such as products, customers, and orders.

    Select the data you want to migrate

    Step Number 5: Start the migration

    Click “Start migration” to begin the process of transferring your data from Prestashop to Shopify.  The app will handle the migration process for you, but you may need to make some manual adjustments to your store once the migration is complete.

    Start the migration

    Your Prestashop and Shopify migration is complete now. Now that you know how to migrate Shopify with Prestashop, keep in mind that using a third-party app like Prestify to migrate your store from Prestashop to Shopify can make the process easier, but it is still recommended that you Shopify Theme Development Company for custom shopify plugin development if you want to migrate a huge amount of data.

    Top 5 benefits of Shopify Prestashop migration

    There are various remarkable benefits of using Prestashop with Shopify:

    A Smoother Shopping Experience

    Migrating to Shopify can provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience that is both easy and enjoyable. The platform’s user-friendly interface and wide range of features make it simple for customers to find what they’re looking for, add items to their cart, and complete their purchases.

    Secure Payments

    When you migrate to Shopify, you can take advantage of the platform’s built-in security features to protect your store and your customer’s personal and financial information. This can give your customers peace of mind and encourage them to shop confidently in your store.

    Greater Flexibility

    Shopify offers a range of customizable templates and design options, allowing you to create a store that reflects your brand and meets your specific needs. You can easily customize the appearance of your store, including the layout, color scheme, and font.

    Marketing Magic

    Shopify’s marketing and SEO tools can help you to attract more visitors to your store and increase your online sales. The easy integration of Shopify with third-party marketing tools like Mailchimp and Stackline makes it quite efficient for customer behavior tracking.

    Always Here To Help

    With Shopify, you never have to worry about being left in the lurch. The platform provides 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat, so you can get help whenever you need it. Whether you have a question about setting up your store or need assistance with a technical issue, Shopify’s customer support team is always available to assist you.

    How To Use Shopify Prestashop Migration

    After Shopify Prestashop migration, there are a few steps you will need to take to learn how to use Prestashop with Shopify:

    Set Up Your Store

    Before you can start selling on Shopify, you’ll need to set up your store. This includes configuring your store settings, such as your payment and shipping options, taxes, and store policies. Think of it as building the foundation of your online empire. Due to the Powerful infrastructure of Shopify, you can also opt for Shopify Erp Migration which can automate your business.

    Customize Your Theme

    With Shopify, you have the power to design your store exactly how you envision it. From choosing a theme that aligns with your brand to customizing the HTML and CSS to make it truly unique. Your store’s theme is the face of your brand, so take the time to make it perfect.

    Add Products

    Now that your store is set up and looking snazzy, it’s time to add some products to sell can you migrate Prestashop products on Shopify? Yes, you can, and you can also add more. Shopify makes it a breeze to add and manage your products.

    You can add them manually, or for a more efficient option, you can import them in bulk using a CSV file. Think of this step as filling your store with your shiny new merchandise.

    Create Pages

    Your store needs more than just products; it needs personality. That’s where creating pages comes in. These pages are like the chapters in the book of your store’s story. You can create an “About Us” page to tell your brand’s story, a “Contact Us” page so customers can get in touch, and a “Returns” page to outline your policy.

    Configure Apps

    Shopify offers a wide variety of apps that can help enhance the functionality of your store. You can use apps for email campaigns, personalized recommendations, and much more. Take the time to explore the apps available and select the ones that will work best for your store.

    Launch your store

    All the hard work is done. You’ve built the foundation, filled it with goodies, added the finishing touches, and now it’s time to open the doors to the world. You can preview your store before going live and make any final adjustments. And remember to test the checkout process and make a fake purchase to ensure everything is running smoothly before you open for real customers.

    It’s like opening day for a brick-and-mortar store, and it’s an exciting moment but also a bit nerve-wracking. But once it’s open, you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and watch your online empire grow.


    In conclusion, migrating from Prestashop to Shopify can be a complex process, but it is definitely worth it for the many benefits that Shopify has to offer. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can ensure that your migration goes as smoothly as possible.

    Be sure to take your time and carefully plan out each step of the process, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a Shopify expert or a developer if you need any additional assistance.

    With the right approach, you will be able to migrate Prestashop to Shopify successfully and start enjoying all of the benefits that this powerful e-commerce platform has to offer. If you think we left out anything important, then do let us know in the comments below!


    How do I migrate my PrestaShop website?

    To migrate your PrestaShop website, back up your data, choose a hosting provider, upload files via FTP, import your database, and update configurations in settings.inc.php. Test thoroughly to ensure functionality.

    How do I migrate from Shopify to PrestaShop?

    To migrate from Shopify to PrestaShop, export your Shopify data (products, orders, customers) via CSV files. Then, import this data into PrestaShop using the import tool in the back office. Customize settings and test.

    Can I migrate a website to Shopify?

    Yes, you can migrate a website to Shopify. Export your site’s data (like products and content) in compatible formats and import it into Shopify using its built-in import tools. Adjust settings and design as needed.

    How do I export from PrestaShop?

    Export data from PrestaShop by navigating to the back office, selecting the relevant data section (products, orders, etc.), and using the export feature to generate CSV files. Ensure proper field mapping for accurate exports.


    Folio3, a Software Powerhouse established in 2005, is one of the leading eCommerce solution providers for SMBs and Fortune 500. The Company has expertise in diverse industries such as Animal Care, Retail, Automotive, Food and Agriculture, and Health care. From ecommerce store design and development to full-scale ERP deployment and integration, Folio3 has done it all.