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    BigCommerce Vs Wix Comprehensive Comparison: Making the Best Choice for Your E-commerce Store

    Last Updated | March 15, 2024


    The selection of an e-commerce platform is a pivotal decision for any business venturing into the online marketplace. With numerous options available, BigCommerce and Wix stand out as popular choices, each boasting a plethora of features designed to aid in the creation and management of your digital store. In this comprehensive analysis, we will meticulously explore the various facets of BigCommerce vs. Wix, providing you with an in-depth understanding to facilitate an informed decision for your e-commerce venture.

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    Ease of Use


    Wix has long been celebrated for its user-friendly interface, anchored by a drag-and-drop website builder. Catering to beginners and seasoned users alike, Wix’s intuitive design allows for easy customization without the need for coding skills. The platform empowers users to effortlessly design and update their online stores.


    In contrast, BigCommerce offers a more sophisticated interface, targeting a user base with a more advanced skill set. While it may have a steeper learning curve for beginners, it compensates with a robust set of features geared towards users with a deeper understanding of e-commerce platforms.

    Design and Customization


    Wix shines in the realm of design flexibility, providing an extensive array of templates that can be easily tailored to suit your brand. The platform’s drag-and-drop editor allows for complete creative control, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize aesthetic customization.


    BigCommerce also boasts a selection of professionally designed templates, but its customization options may not match the depth of Wix. However, for users with coding proficiency, BigCommerce offers more advanced tools, enabling a high level of customization and control over the visual aspects of your e-commerce site.

    E-commerce Features


    Over time, Wix has enhanced its e-commerce capabilities, providing essential features such as product management, inventory tracking, and diverse payment options. While suitable for many online stores, businesses with more complex e-commerce needs might find BigCommerce to be a more comprehensive solution.


    BigCommerce is purpose-built for e-commerce, offering an extensive suite of features right out of the box. With advanced inventory management, flexible product options, and powerful marketing tools, BigCommerce is well-suited for businesses with intricate and demanding e-commerce requirements.



    Wix is inherently scalable, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. While it can accommodate growth, businesses with ambitious expansion plans might find that BigCommerce offers a more seamless and comprehensive scalability solution.


    BigCommerce is renowned for its scalability, catering to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re starting small or planning rapid expansion, BigCommerce provides the infrastructure to support your evolving needs.

    SEO Capabilities


    Wix has made strides in improving its SEO capabilities, allowing for basic optimization practices. However, users seeking a platform with a more pronounced focus on SEO may find BigCommerce to be a preferable choice.


    BigCommerce often receives acclaim for its SEO-friendly features. With customizable URLs, robust meta tag options, and mobile optimization, BigCommerce provides advanced tools to enhance the search engine visibility of your e-commerce store.

    Customization and Flexibility


    Wix excels in providing an intuitive interface for customization, allowing users to personalize their e-commerce sites without coding knowledge. However, for those seeking deeper customization, Wix might have limitations compared to BigCommerce.


    BigCommerce offers a higher degree of customization, making it a preferred choice for businesses requiring unique and sophisticated e-commerce solutions. With access to the platform’s APIs and support for third-party apps, developers have more flexibility to tailor the store to specific needs.

    App and Plugin Ecosystem


    Wix’s App Market provides a range of plugins and extensions to enhance the functionality of your e-commerce store. While not as extensive as some other platforms, it covers essential features and integrations for common business needs.


    BigCommerce has a robust app ecosystem, offering a wide array of integrations and plugins to extend the platform’s capabilities. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with unique requirements, as it allows for seamless integration with various third-party tools and services.

    Technical Support and Documentation


    Wix offers comprehensive support through its knowledge base, tutorials, and community forums. While it caters well to beginners, users might find limited options for direct technical support.


    BigCommerce provides extensive documentation, developer guides, and a dedicated support team. With a more advanced user base in mind, BigCommerce ensures that developers have the resources they need for a smooth development experience.

    Cost of Development


    Wix is generally more cost-effective for small to medium-sized businesses, especially those looking for a quick and budget-friendly development process. However, businesses with complex requirements might incur additional costs for custom development.


    BigCommerce, with its advanced features and customization options, may involve higher development costs, particularly for businesses with intricate needs. However, the platform’s scalability and robust capabilities can offer a strong return on investment for those with ambitious e-commerce goals.


    In the realm of development, the choice between BigCommerce and Wix hinges on the technical requirements and preferences of your business. Wix caters well to those seeking an easy and cost-effective development process, while BigCommerce stands out for its flexibility, customization options, and advanced development capabilities. Carefully assess your development needs and align them with the strengths of each platform to make an informed decision that propels your e-commerce store toward success.

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    Senior Software Engineer with an experience of 7 years, having the ability to learn and collaborate in rapidly changing environments and compositions. I specialize in providing ecommerce based solutions. My expertise are around PHP | Laravel| Bigcommerce | Drupal | JS | MYSQL | Vu3 | CodeIgniter