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    BigCommerce Sees B2B Driving Up Revenue And Market Share

    Last Updated | June 21, 2024

    BigCommerce, a leading e-commerce technology provider, is experiencing a surge in its business-to-business (B2B) sales segment. This key market now accounts for a significant portion of the company’s growth, with B2B sales contributing roughly 40% of all new business. Executives at BigCommerce are particularly enthusiastic about this trend and are actively investing in B2B development to further capitalize on this opportunity.

    This positive outlook aligns with BigCommerce’s recent financial performance. The company reported a strong first quarter in 2024, with total revenue increasing by 12% compared to the same period last year. This growth was further bolstered by a significant reduction in net losses, narrowing by over 70% year-over-year.

    BigCommerce Unveils Open-Source B2B Portal

    Contributing to this success is the launch of BigCommerce’s open-source B2B portal. This innovative tool empowers businesses to create custom online storefronts specifically tailored for their B2B customers. These stores can offer features like specialized pricing structures and streamlined ordering processes, ultimately enhancing the B2B buying experience.

    Overall, BigCommerce is well-positioned to capitalize on the expanding B2B e-commerce market. Their strategic investments in B2B technology, coupled with strong financial results, suggest a bright future for the company in this sector.

    Read Also: Why Magento B2B Development Is the Preferred Platform for B2B Ecommerce


    Hassan Raza is a seasoned SEO expert with over a decade of industry experience. Proficient in SEO, SEM, and digital marketing, he excels in driving online success for businesses. With a passion for writing about cutting-edge technology, AI trends, and eCommerce platforms such as Magento and BigCommerce, Hassan is a digital marketer by day and a tech enthusiast by night. His expertise and enthusiasm for digital trends make him a valuable asset in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing.