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    BigCommerce B2B Trends & Roadmaps: An Expert Interview with Lance Owide

    Last Updated | July 29, 2024

    The world of business-to-business (B2B) commerce is undergoing a seismic shift. In a recent interview between Noman bin Rizwan, Engineering Manager at Folio3, and B2B commerce expert Lance Owide, they shed light on key trends and the roadmap for B2B e-commerce. The discussion highlights how BigCommerce’s B2B Edition is empowering businesses of all sizes to capitalize on this exciting opportunity.

    Demystifying the Surge in B2B E-commerce

    Gone are the days of clunky EDI systems and paper catalogs. Today’s B2B buyers are tech-savvy, demanding the same level of convenience and personalization they experience in B2C online shopping. This has fueled a surge in B2B e-commerce, with analysts predicting that online transactions will account for over 30% of all B2B sales by 2030.

    This shift presents a golden opportunity, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Traditionally, the resources and functionalities needed for a robust B2B e-commerce platform were the domain of large corporations. However, innovative solutions like BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal are leveling the playing field.


    Empowering SMEs with B2B Functionality

    Noman bin Rizwan, in his conversation with Lance Owide, emphasizes how BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal empowers SMEs. It provides them with a pre-built foundation equipped with essential B2B functionalities like:

    – Customized catalogs and pricing: Tailor product offerings and pricing structures for specific customer segments.

    – Streamlined quoting and invoicing: Generate quotes and invoices electronically, reducing manual work and improving efficiency.

    – Automated workflows: Automate approval processes for orders, eliminating delays and streamlining workflows.

    – Self-service portals: Empower buyers with self-service options for account management, order tracking, and reordering.

    These features, once exclusive to large enterprises, are now readily available to SMEs. This allows them to create a modern, user-friendly buying experience that keeps them competitive in the evolving B2B landscape.

    Open Source: Customization Power for Enterprises

    While the pre-built functionalities are a boon for SMEs, BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal offers even greater benefits for large enterprises. As Noman bin Rizwan highlights, the open-source nature of the platform allows for extensive customization. This enables enterprises to tailor the buyer experience to their specific needs and complex workflows.

    Imagine a large corporation with multiple subsidiaries, each with unique product lines, customer segments, and approval processes. BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal empowers such a company to create a single, centralized platform that caters to each subsidiary’s specific needs. They can customize features like:

    – Product catalogs: Tailor product listings and information to specific buyer segments.

    – Order workflows: Design approval workflows that integrate seamlessly with existing enterprise systems.

    – User interface: Create a branded user interface that reflects the company’s identity and reinforces brand recognition.

    This level of customization ensures a smooth and efficient buying experience for all customers, regardless of the subsidiary they interact with.

    A Real-World Example: Customizing the B2B Customer Journey

    Let’s consider a real-world example. Imagine a large manufacturing company with several distinct business units, each catering to a different industry. One unit might sell industrial machinery, while another focuses on building materials. Each unit has its own customer base and specific sales processes.

    BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal allows this company to create a single, unified B2B e-commerce platform. However, within this platform, they can tailor the buying experience for each business unit. This means:

    – Industrial machinery buyers: See a streamlined catalog with detailed technical specifications and access to bulk order options.

    – Building material buyers: Experience a user interface optimized for browsing product categories and requesting quotes for large construction projects.

    This level of customization ensures a relevant and efficient buying experience for each customer segment, ultimately driving sales and customer satisfaction.

    The Future of B2B Commerce is Open

    The B2B e-commerce revolution is well underway, and BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal is at the forefront. By providing SMEs with essential functionalities and empowering large enterprises with extensive customization options, this innovative solution is democratizing B2B e-commerce for businesses of all sizes. As B2B buyers continue to migrate online, companies that embrace open-source buyer portals will be best positioned to thrive in the dynamic world of wholesale trade.

    Wrapping it Up

    The conversation between Noman bin Rizwan and B2B commerce expert Lance Owide provided valuable insights into the rapidly growing B2B e-commerce landscape. It served as a roadmap, outlining the exciting opportunities and future directions of this dynamic field. BigCommerce’s open-source buyer portal stands out as a key tool, empowering businesses of all sizes to participate in this digital transformation. We at Folio3 extend our sincere gratitude to Lance Owide for his willingness to share his expertise. These discussions are not just informative, they open doors for further exploration. We look forward to hosting more insightful interviews that illuminate the ever-evolving world of B2B commerce. Together, we can navigate this exciting revolution and build a thriving B2B e-commerce community.

    Read Also: Folio3 Interview with BigCommerce’s Manager Global Partner, Patrick Williams


    Adobe Certified - Magento Commerce Developer Expert | Engineering Manager and Lead Software Engineer at Folio3 Software. Responsible for leading a team of software engineers and responsible for executing the end-to-end software development. Skilled in different technologies, including PHP frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter, E-Commerce frameworks like Magento-2, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce, as well as .NET and .NET Core.